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Crystal, The Owl


“ Every being has his virtues”, so says Mrs. Tita, a monarch butterfly, a teacher at The School of Butterflies, attended by all flying animals living nearby.

“ So do all the people, plants, animals... the birds, the insects, everything that God há s put on this world”, she went on.

- “ In what way, ma’ am”, asked Zezo, the canary, intrigued.

Mrs. Tita, with the candor of a good educator that she was, explained “ It is very important that you and your fellows learn how to respect the values and limitations of one another, and you must at all times be good. Furthermore, be grateful, for gratitude is the feeling with which all the nests will open up for you.”

* I don’ t get it, says Zezo

“ It is indeed very simple. During our last class, we talked about solidarity. We all saw the example of Jojobs the Ladybug, who volunteers helping all little insects of the garden, protects the environment and also teaches good manners here in our school during the weekends. You do thinks like that yourself, don’ t you, Zezo? Don´ t you take care of the little orphan birds by bringing them food and hay so that they get warm?”

* Of course I do that, ma’ am. I do enjoy helping

“ So you know, what this is all about. And on talking about solidarity, gratitude and helping people at all times, I will tell you the story of Crystal, Owl”

As the only child of Criselda the Owl and Bonifacio the Big Owl, she was spoiled in every way. She had a nice, full of feathers nest, fresh fruit, water from the fall; she had strolls in the park and received lots of love from her parents.

During one of her first flights, she listened to a bird called uirapuru, who sang very well, but she felt bad because she wanted to sing beautifully, too.

* Don’ t be sad, said her mom Criselda, all we can do is hoot. That´ s different from the other birds’ singing but it is not bizarre. It is our characteristic

Racconto in Inglese
Ana Maria Stoppa 24/07/2013 15:36 1029| Traduci il testo del racconto (primi 10mila caratteri)

Opera pubblicata ai sensi della Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633, Capo IV, Sezione II, e sue modificazioni. Ne è vietata qualsiasi riproduzione, totale o parziale, nonché qualsiasi utilizzazione in qualunque forma, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore.
La riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore è punita con le sanzioni previste dagli art. 171 e 171-ter della suddetta Legge.
I fatti ed i personaggi narrati in questa opera sono frutto di fantasia e non hanno alcuna relazione con persone o fatti reali.

Successiva di Ana Maria StoppaPrecedente di Ana Maria Stoppa

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Ana Maria Stoppa
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Um Amor Para Toda Vida (18/06/2013)

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Racconto di Natale (24/07/2018)

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Racconto di Natale (24/07/2018)

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A menina e os vaga- lumes (01/12/2013, 1486 letture)

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